weekly written lesson plans (adaptable if needed)
video references
music suggestions by artist and length with Spotify play list, and
a prop list with suggestions on where to purchase the items.
Physical Benefits
Through the “Longevity” program the participants will develop & experience more energy, balance, strength, coordination, independence, prevent & counteract disease, cardiovascular improvement, mobility & gait, decrease in blood pressure, improve body composition, enhance immune function, decrease in risk of injury, helps to prevent & reduce pain. Average calories burn for a 45-minute class is 120-250 or more depending on intensity & personal effort during the class. More is generated with use of weights & resistance bands.
Psychological Benefits
Enhances mood, decreases depression, increase in cognitive function, increase in personal control, gives a feeling of well-being, decreases stress, improves sleep, improves over-all quality of life!
“Longevity…..Mind & Body” is designed as a progression curriculum, in teaching & participant development in three levels:
Easy/Basic Level - Footwork & arm movements worked separately. Basic Skills in all areas to master for this program’s effectiveness.
Moderate Intensity Level -Full knowledge & master Basic Level. An increase in footwork and arm patterns & rhythms, along with increased cardio intensity, mental, physical challenges.
Advanced Level -Full use of footwork and arm patterning performed at the same time, plus increased speed. Additional Jumping patterns & stretching. Higher intensity in all areas.
The program is set up as a 45–60-minute class session for 1-3 times a week, as a 10- 12-week session. A year-round program with fresh new material each quarter. Adults ages 65 & up, are required at least 150 minutes of exercise per week by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention.
The lesson plans include balance work, memory/brain games, partner activities, warm up & cool down routines, cardio & exercise routines, arm movement pattern suggestions, stretches, neuroplasticity workout, sensory activity, agility drills, Isometrics, perpetual motion activity and more. Each routine lists the target area of the body that it works on.
Material will also cover these additional areas of the body:
hand/finger, vision, vestibular, proprioception, breathing, balance & gait, facial /emotions, pelvic floor, and vocal strength activity.
Additional Routines include small prop, musical Instrument, small fitness equipment.